Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dog-like Devotion

The week after Easter we lost our 14-year-old dog Sunny. Letting her go was gut-wrenching, she had been my loyal support through the unexpected death of my mother 12 years ago, just after we adopted Sunny, and had been "my" dog ever since. But her misery outweighed the desire to hold on, and we exercised mercy then buried her peacefully in the back yard.

With our kids all moved on and Roger gone that coming weekend, I experienced my first ever time in our house entirely alone. I actually handled it fine, but I definitely missed the safety factor of a dog. I am committed to my urban neighborhood, but I realized that I also feel much more comfortable here with the intimidated presence of a canine. So I began to shop for a replacement, feeling fickle as I did so.

Roger thought not having a dog to be a good solution, but I found a new one online at the local shelter. She had been surrendered by her family because they couldn't afford to keep her. I was glad they didn't just turn her loose, but felt awful she had been in the shelter since January.

As she bounced around our backyard that first night, we decided to name her Roo, as in KangaRoo. She's part black lab and seems to be part Ibizan Hound, having those ears. She's the perfect intimidator, quite nice to friend but ready to defend her property. Despite Roger's original hesitance, he affirms Roo to be a good fit for us.

When my friend Teresa  heard the news, she said she hoped I'd get a good foot warmer. I've never had a dog who liked to sit on my feet, although Sunny would curl under my desk. But Roo does, and today she was curled up close to me while I was sitting in my prayer chair for some quiet time with God.

Someone created a lovely video comparing God and dogs, both being so faithful and encouraging. But today as I sat there I thought I'd like to emulate the dog's approach in my devotion to God. I'd like to be dog-like in craving God's company. Like Roo I'd like to crowd in close, not sure I'd have the nerve to sit on God's feet, but to be close by, and when God gets up to do something, to trot along to see how I can help.

I want to be still when God is still, wait when God waits, and act when God acts. Lord give me dog-like devotion to You and Your will.

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