Monday, August 29, 2016

Men and Women are Not Equal

Men and women are not equal.
They are not identical.
In various ways one is superior to the other.
Men as a whole are physically stronger.
Women fight infection better due to estrogen, helpful since they are the child bearers.
The list could go on. 

But men and women are equivalent.
Equal in value.
Whatever advantages one has over the other in a particular area, neither is superior to the other in importance.

O that we could walk in a world that holds this to be true.
A world that holds up each without doing so at the expense of the other.
That values both without making it a competition.
That sees the contribution of each without having to negate the other.

And while we are dreaming of such a place, the same applies to race and religion.
Let us value what each race brings to the table.
And while I believe in my own faith, may I value each person even if theirs is different or non-existent.

Make it so Lord. Show us the value in ourselves so we find no need to devalue others. We seem incapable of this, show us the way. Jesus you modeled this when you walked the earth. May we follow in your steps.

Katherine Callahan-Howell