Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Safe Space

Yesterday was spent creating two safe spaces, one in person and one virtually. We need places that are safe to speak, to be heard, to be understood, to be ourselves.

Since last week's election I have been amazed at how dangerous it can be to be honest, transparent, real. Especially on social media.

One of the most instructive verses I know is Romans 12:15 "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Over the last week, some are rejoicing. Some are mourning.

For those elated, allow them their safe space to feel that joy of victory. Hold them accountable to high levels of compassion and kindness, but refrain from ruining their joy by arguing down their candidate.

The election is over. We are done arguing the merits of each choice.

For those crushed, allow them their safe space to lament, rage, share their fears and concerns. Point them to hope, reassure them of your support, but refrain from stepping on their pain by continuing to argue the superiority of your position.

I have been amazed at so called "friends" especially "Christian" ones who are berating people's concerns instead of listening with grace.

We can create safe spaces, meetings, gatherings, private chats...but we can also BE a safe space, a literal epicenter of grace that draws to ourselves those in need of a listening ear, a warm heart, a hug virtual or in person. By the Spirit we can.

Let's be kind. We are all we have, each other, and that grace God gives us to share ourselves freely.