Sunday, April 24, 2011


When the women were waiting to visit the tomb on Sunday morning, they expected to see a dead body. They didn't know what to think when they got there. They did not have to mourn long.

When my mother died unexpectedly 10 years ago, laying her in the grave hit me with its permanence. I will spend half my life without her. That seems like such a long time.

But, when I reach eternity, this waiting will be a blink of an eye. That's what the power of the resurrection means to me.

Thank you Jesus for dying and rising again, so that I can have hope of sweet reunion.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I'm glad I read a book about difference between white and black conflict. Now when I counsel P and B I don't worry that they yell at each other, it's just how they communicate.

Roger and I were yellers in our early days, especially the first six months. I still don't mind a good yelling match.

When P and B left from our session today, I had to smile. P paced the floor reenacting events from the week, while B sat and watched with her own comebacks. But they keep coming back.

I know TOO many middle class couples white and black who never even try counseling, they just grow tired of trying and bail out. But these young folks keep coming back, and they are making progress.

I am grateful for the privilege of watching them learn to love each other.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Asleep in the Light

Those disciples, sleeping in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus really needed them. He asked them three times and they still let him down. So lame.

As for have I slept on the job lately? Ouch.

Keith Green wrote a song called Asleep in the Light. We so easily fall asleep on the job. Lord, help me to be awake when you need me.