Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Immediate Gratification

It's not really a surprise to say that the prevalent disease of our culture is immediate gratification. We can't wait for anything. And because we can't wait for simple things like our food to cook in an oven instead of a microwave or be prepared by a cook at a restaurant instead of mass produced on an assembly line, we can't wait for more important things either.

We can't wait for someone to pay us a compliment of their own volition, we have to fish for it. We can't wait for the price to come down on the latest gadget, we have to be the first to own it. We can't wait for our paycheck, we use credit or get a pay advance.

And we pass this disease on to our children.

But worst of all, we can't wait for heaven for all the blessings of God. We insist on having them here. Of course God does have daily blessings for us. But we never seem satisfied, we always want more. Now. Or yesterday even.

Time doesn't exist in heaven. I'm not sure if that means we won't have to wait for things. But even if we don't have to wait any more, I hope we will graduate from the selfish attitude that demands all our toys now.