Sunday, April 21, 2013

Race, a great conversation ender

Race needs to be talked about. But know that you will nearly always be misunderstood. Yet it still needs to be talked about.

Yesterday I had an experience that made me appreciate my church, and I wanted to tell them so. This morning I included it at the end of my sermon. Someone misunderstood. But I still needed to say it. Here's what I told them.

Two years ago I started taking exercise classes. The first instructor was white and most of the participants were not only white, but upper middle class. Then I found a class closer to my house. The instructor was white but the participants included several African Americans and people seemed more middle class. I felt more comfortable, this is the world I am most familiar with.

Two months ago I switched to a new facility owned by an African American with all the instructors and most of the participants being African American as well. So on a typical week when I make it to class four times, I am the only white person present.

Yesterday I was tired from traveling all week, and I felt during my class not only the physical exertion but also the emotional strain of the discomfort of being the obvious person different from everyone else. Realizing that made me appreciate all the people who are constantly in that situation. I can retreat to my white world if I chose, but many people can't do that.

And I especially appreciate my church, because on a Sunday morning when most of America worships with people of their own race, my congregation has the courage to cross that line and fellowship across those racial barriers.

And I"m glad we talked about it today, even though someone misunderstood, hopefully we got that straightened out. It's not that I don't like being the minority in a group, but I was just acknowledging that at times it's hard to ignore the discomfort and strain that creates, for everybody in the room. We all need to experience that, more often, to be more understanding of the reality many never escape.

Thank you Lord for those who face that daily and still stand strong.