Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Score

When I'm watching my team play ball, I get frustrated when the scorekeeper messes up. When they add the latest goal/run/etc. to the wrong team, I want to be sure it gets fixed. I want the score to be right, especially for my team.

You would expect the pros never to mess this up, but I've even seen it happen at that level. But there is one score that will be accurate for sure, that's the one God is keeping.

We might think it's wrong. We might think he's missed something, because we sure keep it differently.

We notice all kinds of wrongs that we want tallied. But if forgiveness has been granted, those scores are cleared. We have to let go, whether its us or someone else.

I've done a lot of ministry that seems wasted, unaccounted for, off the scoreboard. It's not on any earthly tally. But God is keeping score.

That gives me remarkable comfort.

It's just as remarkable that there is any score at all, that I haven't canceled out any accomplishments with all the missed opportunities and mangled attempts. That's where forgiveness comes in.

Some days I wish the score were as clearly posted as a flashing Jumbotron. But most of the time, I'm sure I'm glad it's not.

I imagine in heaven somehow finding out our true "score" will neither give us reason to boast or to be ashamed. Mostly importantly I am simply glad that Jesus said even a cup of cold water will not lose its reward. That means that no service done in the name of Jesus will be wasted. That is Kingdom economy, and I am grateful.

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