Friday, September 11, 2009


I first signed up for Facebook to connect with our other women pastors. My children were mortified because they feared my intrusion into their world. I have made some faux pas along the way, but hopefully have learned how to enjoy seeing some of their adventures without prying into their business.

Meanwhile, having started on Facebook, besides my pastor friends I have reconnected with childhood and high school friends. This is especially meaningful as my son is now attending college in my hometown.

Friends from my past have been fun to chat with, and even to discuss deep life issues. Conversations we may have never had as young folks now reach new dimensions as adults.

This week the interchange between two high school friends brought my friend Dona to mind. She and I were best friends as children, hopping the neighbor's fence to cut through between our houses. We lost touch as I went to junior high first but reconnected at a recent high school reunion. The day after I thought of her, she commented on my wall and we had a nice live chat.

Our college age sons sound similar. We are both seeking a quiet place with God. After all these years and life experiences we can still connect.

CS Lewis liked to remind us that we are eternal beings. It might seem like nations and civilizations outlast individuals, but in reality long after Rome is dust and the US lies in ruins we will still exist.

Any one we know on this earth we may have the opportunity to spend eternity with. When you consider that, it makes our relationships here even more valuable. Think about that the next time you push that friend button.

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